API Additions
- Added SDLU::RWops cxx class
- Added SDLU_GL_RenderCacheState() and SDLU_GL_RenderRestoreState(), which enable mixing pure OpenGL calls with the SDL2 Render API
- SDLU_SaveIniRW() and SDLU_LoadIniRW() now have a freesrc parameter
- OpenGL functions are dynamically loaded, so we don't have to link to -lGL
- Added configure script for the tests
- You can now build deb and rpm packages using CMake
- Check for std::string support
If you have a copy of the git repository, the snapshot is tagged with the name
. (281213 stands for 28/12/13, I just don't like having slashes '/' in the tag name).
As always please test the library, run the test programs and report issues at the issue tracker.
-- Aggelos Kolaitis