Well, the weekend turned out to be a week, because of some other tasks I had to fulfill over the last few days. Anyway, the changes are now in the main git repository here.
API Additions
- Added two new functions, SDLU_GetSpriteVelocity() and SDLU_GetSpriteAdvance()
API Changes
- Merged the functionality of SDLU_Get/SetSpritePaused() into SDLU_PauseSprite()
- Merged the functionality of SDLU_Get/SetButtonHidden() into SDLU_HideButton()
- Renamed SDLU_LoadTextureEx() to SDLU_LoadTextureWithColorkey()
API Removals
- Removed the shorter FPS_* macros, to avoid conficts with other libraries
- Removed SDLU_GetButtonPress(). Not only is it not required any more, but also using it would had negative impact in visuals and performance
Important changes
- Added new premake action ios, used to build the iOS port of the library (oh yeah!). See README-ios for details.
- Removed un-needed hard-coded stuff from the NetBeans project. Also, the project is now usable in NetBeans version 7.3 [may also work for older versions].
- Made several improvements and fixes at the README files
With those changes applied, and with the official (finally) iOS support, we are getting closer to a stable 2.0 release. Expect a new code snapshot soon.
-- Aggelos Kolaitis